Odessa cuisine is aromatic, hospitable, generous and leaves no one aside. AT restaurant “Babel” Both a vegetarian and a vegan will find their tsimes. For those who care not only about their figure, but also about our smaller brothers, the restaurant team will cover a “glade” of appetizers, first, second, dessert and will not forget about compote. Brand chef Alena Komar will not let anyone go hungry. Vegetables are at the head of the table!
The biggest a chain of wine bars in Moscow “Wine Bazaar” offers vegetarian guests dishes from vegetables that will not seem bland and monotonous. Light tapas, salads and rolls charge positively and perfectly complement the wine, which is an excellent choice here at extremely affordable prices.
Guacamole, quinoa and sweet potato

Baked Vegetable Sandwich

Green salad with guacamole
Posted inKitchen
About the author
Hi, my name is Joshua J. Heavner At the moment I am an expert analyst in the field of search engine optimization, I lead several projects and provide advice on optimizing and promoting websites, and actively participate in various thematic seminars and conferences. I also keep this blog just for the soul.