jQuery(document).ready( function(){ if( jQuery('.wpdev-validates-as-time').length > 0 ) { jQuery('.wpdev-validates-as-time').attr('alt','time'); jQuery('.wpdev-validates-as-time').setMask(); } }); // Send booking Cacel by visitor function bookingCancelByVisitor(booking_hash, bk_type, wpdev_active_locale){ if (booking_hash!='') { document.getElementById('submiting' + bk_type).innerHTML = '
'; var wpdev_ajax_path = wpdev_bk_plugin_url+'/' + wpdev_bk_plugin_filename; var ajax_type_action='DELETE_BY_VISITOR'; jQuery.ajax({ // Start Ajax Sending // url: wpdev_ajax_path, url: wpbc_ajaxurl, type:'POST', success: function (data, textStatus){if( textStatus == 'success') jQuery('#ajax_respond_insert' + bk_type).html( data ) ;}, error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){window.status = 'Ajax sending Error status:'+ textStatus;alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.statusText);if (XMLHttpRequest.status == 500) {alert('Please check at this page according this error:' + ' http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/#ajax-sending-error');}}, // beforeSend: someFunction, data:{ // ajax_action : ajax_type_action, action : ajax_type_action, booking_hash : booking_hash, bk_type : bk_type, wpdev_active_locale:wpdev_active_locale, wpbc_nonce: document.getElementById('wpbc_nonce_delete'+bk_type).value } }); return false; } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set cehckbox in booking form Exclusive on click function wpdevExclusiveCheckbox(element){ jQuery('[name="'+element.name+'"]').prop("checked", false); // Uncheck all checkboxes with this name element.checked = true; } // Set selectbox with multiple selections - Exclusive function wpdevExclusiveSelectbox(element){ // Get all selected elements. var selectedOptions = jQuery.find('[name="'+element.name+'"] option:selected'); // Check if we are have more than 1 selection if ( selectedOptions.length > 1 ) { var ind = selectedOptions[0].index; // Get index of the first selected element jQuery('[name="'+element.name+'"] option').prop("selected", false); // Uncheck all checkboxes with this name jQuery('[name="'+element.name+'"] option:eq('+ind+')').prop("selected", true); // Set the first element selected } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function showErrorTimeMessage(my_message, element){ var element_name = element.name jQuery("[name='"+ element_name +"']") .css( {'border' : '1px solid red'} ) .fadeOut( 350 ) .fadeIn( 500 ) .animate( {opacity: 1}, 4000 ) .animate({border : '1px solid #DFDFDF'},100) ; // mark red border jQuery("[name='"+ element_name +"']") .after('
'+ my_message +'
'); // Show message jQuery(".wpdev-help-message") .css( {'color' : 'red'} ) .animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ) .fadeOut( 2000 ); // hide message element.focus(); // make focus to elemnt return true; } function isValidTimeTextField(timeStr) { // Checks if time is in HH:MM AM/PM format. // The seconds and AM/PM are optional. var timePat = /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})(\s?(AM|am|PM|pm))?$/; var matchArray = timeStr.match(timePat); if (matchArray == null) { return false; //(""); } var hour = matchArray[1]; var minute = matchArray[2]; var ampm = matchArray[4]; if (ampm=="") {ampm = null} if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { return false; //(""); } if (hour > 12 && ampm != null) { return false; //(""); } if (minute<0 || minute > 59) { return false; //(""); } return true; } function is_this_time_selections_not_available(bk_type, form_elements ) { if (location.href.indexOf('wpdev-booking.phpwpdev-booking-reservation')>0) return false; //Skip this checking if we are in the Admin panel at Add booking page var count = form_elements.length; var start_time = false; var end_time = false; var element; var element_start=false; var element_end=false; var element_duration=false; var element_rangetime=false; var duration = false; // Get Start and End time from this form, if they exist. for (var i=0; i \n\
\n\ \n\
'; var wpdev_ajax_path = wpdev_bk_plugin_url+'/' + wpdev_bk_plugin_filename ; jQuery.ajax({ // Start Ajax Sending // url: wpdev_ajax_path, url: wpbc_ajaxurl, type:'POST', success: function (data, textStatus){if( textStatus == 'success') jQuery('#ajax_respond').html( data );}, error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ window.status = 'Ajax sending Error status:'+ textStatus; alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.statusText); if (XMLHttpRequest.status == 500) { alert('Please check at this page according this error:' + ' http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/#ajax-sending-error'); } }, // beforeSend: someFunction, data:{ // ajax_action : 'UPDATE_REMARK', action : 'UPDATE_REMARK', remark_id : id, remark_text : text, wpbc_nonce: document.getElementById('wpbc_admin_panel_nonce').value } }); return false; } function wpdev_change_bk_resource( booking_id, resource_id ){ document.getElementById("changing_bk_res_in_booking" + booking_id ).style.display="none"; var ajax_bk_message = 'Changing resource...'; document.getElementById('ajax_working').innerHTML = '
\n\ \n\
'; var wpdev_ajax_path = wpdev_bk_plugin_url+'/' + wpdev_bk_plugin_filename ; jQuery.ajax({ // Start Ajax Sending // url: wpdev_ajax_path, url: wpbc_ajaxurl, type:'POST', success: function (data, textStatus){if( textStatus == 'success') jQuery('#ajax_respond').html( data );}, error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ window.status = 'Ajax sending Error status:'+ textStatus; alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.statusText); if (XMLHttpRequest.status == 500) { alert('Please check at this page according this error:' + ' http://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/#ajax-sending-error'); } }, // beforeSend: someFunction, data:{ // ajax_action : 'UPDATE_BK_RESOURCE_4_BOOKING', action : 'UPDATE_BK_RESOURCE_4_BOOKING', booking_id : booking_id, resource_id : resource_id, wpbc_nonce: document.getElementById('wpbc_admin_panel_nonce').value } }); return false; } //Print function print_booking_listing(){ jQuery("#print_loyout_content").html( jQuery("#booking_print_loyout").html() ) ; jQuery("#printLoyoutModal").modal("show"); } jQuery.fn.print = function(){ // NOTE: We are trimming the jQuery collection down to the // first element in the collection. if (this.size() > 1){ this.eq( 0 ).print(); return; } else if (!this.size()){ return; } // ASSERT: At this point, we know that the current jQuery // collection (as defined by THIS), contains only one // printable element. // Create a random name for the print frame. var strFrameName = ("printer-" + (new Date()).getTime()); // Create an iFrame with the new name. var jFrame = jQuery( "