// // Show / hide Fields in the booking form, // depend from week day or season filter function check_condition_sections_in_bkform(date, bk_type){ // Reseting moveOptionalElementsToGarbage( bk_type ); moveDefaultElementsToForm( bk_type ); if (date == '') return; // If no days selections so then skip all. date = get_first_day_of_selection(date); // Get the 10.06.2013 from different dates selection Varibale : 11.06.2013, 12.06.2013, 13.06.2013, 10.06.2013 || 10.06.2013 || 10.06.2013 - 18.06.2013 var date_sections = date.split("."); var selceted_first_day = new Date; selceted_first_day.setFullYear( parseInt(date_sections[2]-0) ,parseInt(date_sections[1]-1), parseInt(date_sections[0]-0) ); var class_day = (selceted_first_day.getMonth()+1) + '-' + selceted_first_day.getDate() + '-' + selceted_first_day.getFullYear(); if (jQuery('#calendar_booking'+bk_type+' .datepick-days-cell.cal4date-'+class_day).length <= 0) return; // We are chnaged the month (hided previos with first selected date), so this date cell is not exist now, we are need to exist var calendarDateClassList =jQuery('#calendar_booking'+bk_type+' .datepick-days-cell.cal4date-'+class_day).attr('class').split(/\s+/); var formElementClassName = ''; var garbageElement = false; jQuery.each( calendarDateClassList, function(index, singleClassCSS){ // S E A S O N F I L T E R C O N D I T I O N S - checking if ( singleClassCSS.indexOf("wpdevbk_season_") >= 0 ) { // 1.Get this element from the garbage -
jQuery.each( jQuery('#booking_form_garbage'+bk_type + ' div') , function(index, conditionGarbageDIV){ // LOOP in the Garbage garbageElement = jQuery('#'+conditionGarbageDIV.id); // Get Garbage DIV as jQuery element if ( garbageElement.hasClass(singleClassCSS) ) { // We found our season filter element in garbage with CSS class of that SEASON // Get the ALL CSS classes of the DIV garbage element. Example: conditional_section_element_times wpdevbk_optional_condition wpdevbk_season_high_season var garbageElementClassList = garbageElement.attr('class').split(/\s+/); jQuery.each( garbageElementClassList, function(index, garbageElementClassName ){ //Get the name of CSS, like this: conditional_section_element_times if ( garbageElementClassName.indexOf("conditional_section_element_") >= 0 ) { // 2.Get the class name in this element of the DIV section in the form formElementClassName = garbageElementClassName.replace('_element', ''); // 3.Remove all elements from the form in that DIV into the Garbage jQuery('#booking_form_div' + bk_type + ' div.' + formElementClassName + ' div').appendTo( '#booking_form_garbage' + bk_type ); // 4.Insert this element into the form garbageElement.appendTo( '#booking_form_div' + bk_type + ' div.' + formElementClassName ); } }); } }); } }); // Check for the W E E K D A Y S conditions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery.each( jQuery('#booking_form_garbage'+bk_type + ' div') , function(index, conditionGarbageDIV){ // LOOP in the Garbage garbageElement = jQuery('#'+conditionGarbageDIV.id); // Get Garbage DIV as jQuery element if ( garbageElement.hasClass( 'wpdevbk_weekday_' + selceted_first_day.getDay() ) ) { // We found our filter element od this date in garbage with CSS class of that SEASON // Get the ALL CSS classes of the DIV garbage element. Example: conditional_section_element_times wpdevbk_optional_condition wpdevbk_season_high_season var garbageElementClassList = garbageElement.attr('class').split(/\s+/); jQuery.each( garbageElementClassList, function(index, garbageElementClassName ){ //Get the name of CSS, like this: conditional_section_element_times if ( garbageElementClassName.indexOf("conditional_section_element_") >= 0 ) { // 2.Get the class name in this element of the DIV section in the form formElementClassName = garbageElementClassName.replace('_element', ''); // 3.Remove all elements from the form in that DIV into the Garbage jQuery('#booking_form_div' + bk_type + ' div.' + formElementClassName + ' div').appendTo( '#booking_form_garbage' + bk_type ); // 4.Insert this element into the form garbageElement.appendTo( '#booking_form_div' + bk_type + ' div.' + formElementClassName ); } }); } }); } // Optionals: Form -> Garbage function moveOptionalElementsToGarbage( bk_type ){ jQuery('#booking_form_div' + bk_type + ' .wpdevbk_optional_condition').appendTo( '#booking_form_garbage'+bk_type ); jQuery('#booking_form_garbage' + bk_type + ' .wpdevbk_optional_condition').show(); // We are need to show this elements, because by default they are hided } // Defaults: Garbage -> Form function moveDefaultElementsToForm( bk_type ){ var formElementClassName = ''; var garbageElement = false; jQuery.each( jQuery('#booking_form_garbage'+bk_type + ' div') , function(index, conditionGarbageDIV){ // LOOP in the Garbage garbageElement = jQuery('#'+conditionGarbageDIV.id); // Get Garbage DIV as jQuery element if ( garbageElement.hasClass( 'wpdevbk_default_condition' ) ) { // We found our Default Element // Get the ALL CSS classes of this DIV garbage element. var garbageElementClassList = garbageElement.attr('class').split(/\s+/); jQuery.each( garbageElementClassList, function(index, garbageElementClassName ){ //Get the name of CSS, like this: conditional_section_element_times if ( garbageElementClassName.indexOf("conditional_section_element_") >= 0 ) { //Get the CSS class of the DIV section in the form formElementClassName = garbageElementClassName.replace('_element', ''); // Move this Default Garbage Element -> Form garbageElement.appendTo( '#booking_form_div' + bk_type + ' div.' + formElementClassName ); } }); } }); }